Average Income in Turkey
The average salary in Turkey in 2023 is 94,000 Turkish Lira (TRY) annually, about $4,872 US Dollars. This is according to the April 2023 exchange rate. The average monthly salary is about 7,830 TRY (405.86 USD).
The average salary can vary depending on factors such as the industry, region, and experience level. For example, the average salary for a software engineer in Istanbul is much higher than that for a small-town teacher.
The median household income in Turkey is $40,094 in purchasing power parity (PPP). This means that half of the households in Turkey earn more than this amount, and half earn less.
The cost of living in Turkey varies depending on the city and your chosen lifestyle. Istanbul is the most expensive city in Turkey, followed by Ankara and Izmir. If you are on a tight budget, you can live comfortably in Turkey with a salary of around $1,500 monthly. However, if you want to live a more luxurious lifestyle, you must earn more.
Sectors in Turkey That Typically Offer Higher Than Average Salaries:
Banking – Salaries for professionals working in private banks range from 8,000-15,000 TRY per month, depending on seniority and position.
Consulting – Large international consulting firms pay well. Junior consultants make 8,000-10,000 TRY on average, while senior managers can earn 15,000+ TRY.
Oil and gas – Engineers and technical staff working for petroleum companies earn competitive salaries starting from 10,000 TRY to 20,000+ TRY for senior roles.
Pharmaceuticals – Average pay for sales, marketing, and R&D jobs in big pharma is 10,000-15,000 TRY monthly.
Telecommunications – Industry leaders like Turkcell, Vodafone, and Turk Telekom pay 8,000-15,000 TRY, depending on role and experience level.
Transportation/logistics – International companies pay drivers, operations managers, and pilots reasonably well in the range of 8,000-12,000 TRY on average.
Academia – Full professors at top Turkish universities in cities like Istanbul earn 12,000-18,000 TRY on average.
Energy – Power generation utilities pay engineers and plant managers 10,000 TRY and up, especially for specialized roles.
Construction – Larger firms’ project managers and site supervisors earn 9,000-15,000 TRY per month.
Factors that Impact the Average Income in Turkey
Several factors impact the average income in Turkey, including education, location, and industry.
Education is a critical factor that impacts the average income in Turkey. Those with higher levels of education tend to earn more than those with lower levels. According to the Turkish Statistical Institute, individuals with a university degree make 2.5 times more than those with a high school diploma.
Location is another factor that impacts the average income in Turkey. Those living in urban areas earn more than those living in rural areas. This is due to the higher concentration of job opportunities in urban areas and the higher cost of living.
The industry in which an individual works also affects their earning potential. The highest-paying industries in Turkey include finance, technology, and healthcare. Those working in these industries tend to earn more than those working in sectors such as retail or hospitality.
What Does the Average Income in Turkey Mean for its People?
The average income in Turkey impacts the cost of living, the standard of living, and access to healthcare.
Cost of Living
Turkey’s cost of living is relatively low compared to many developed countries. However, it is higher than in some developing countries. This means that average-income individuals may struggle to afford certain goods and services, such as housing and healthcare.
Standard of Living
The standard of living in Turkey is generally good, with access to necessities such as food, water, and shelter. However, lower-income people may struggle to access certain luxuries, such as travel and entertainment.
Access to Healthcare
Turkey’s healthcare access is generally good, with a high-quality public healthcare system. However, lower-income people may struggle to afford specific treatments or procedures.
What are the highest-paying occupations in Turkey?
The highest-paying occupations in Turkey vary depending on the industry and the level of education and experience required. However, some of the top-paying trades in Turkey include:
- Surgeons and Physicians: The average monthly salary for medical doctors in Turkey is around 17,500 TRY (approximately 2,060 USD or 1,750 EUR).
- Lawyers: The average monthly salary for lawyers in Turkey is around 9,300 TRY (approximately 1,100 USD or 940 EUR).
- Senior Executives and Managers: The average monthly salary for senior executives and managers in Turkey varies greatly depending on the industry and the size of their company. However, the average salary range is between 12,000 – 25,000 TRY (approximately 1,410 – 2,940 USD or 1,200 – 2,500 EUR).
- Pharmacists: The average monthly salary for pharmacists in Turkey is around 6,900 TRY (approximately 810 USD or 690 EUR).
- Software Engineers and Developers: The average monthly salary for software engineers and developers in Turkey is around 9,500 TRY (approximately 1,120 USD or 950 EUR).
- Architects: The average monthly salary for architects in Turkey is around 7,200 TRY (approximately 850 USD or 720 EUR).
- Dentists: The average monthly salary for dentists in Turkey is around 14,000 TRY (approximately 1,650 USD or 1,400 EUR).
- Pilots: The average monthly salary for pilots in Turkey varies greatly depending on the type of aircraft they fly and their level of experience. However, the average salary range is between 12,000 – 25,000 TRY (approximately 1,410 – 2,940 USD or 1,200 – 2,500 EUR).
- Marketing and Sales Managers: The average monthly salary for marketing and sales managers in Turkey varies greatly depending on the industry and the size of their company. However, the average salary range is between 6,000 – 20,000 TRY (approximately 710 – 2,350 USD or 600 – 2,000 EUR).
- Bankers and Financial Managers: The average monthly salary for bankers and financial managers in Turkey varies greatly depending on the bank size or financial institution they work for. However, the average salary range is between 7,000 – 15,000 TRY (approximately 820 – 1,770 USD or 700 – 1,500 EUR).
What is the minimum wage in Turkey?
The minimum wage in Turkey is 2,825 Turkish liras per month, roughly equivalent to USD 350.
What is the highest-paying industry in Turkey?
The highest-paying industries in Turkey include finance, technology, and healthcare.
Is it expensive to live in Turkey?
Turkey’s cost of living is generally low compared to many developed countries. However, it is higher than in some developing countries.
What is the unemployment rate in Turkey?
The unemployment rate in Turkey is currently around 13%.
How does the average income in Turkey compare to other countries?
Compared to other countries in the region, the average income in Turkey is higher than in countries such as Egypt and Pakistan but lower than in countries such as Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.
READ MORE: Average Income of Singaporean
In conclusion, Turkey’s average income is relatively low compared to many developed countries. However, it is higher than in some developing countries. Education, location, and industry all impact the average income in Turkey. The average income in Turkey affects the cost of living, the standard of living, and access to healthcare.